Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm officially announcing that he's been born. Haha! Thanks to Jenny for designing my adorable announcements. :)

He is truly a joy. He just smiles and laughs all day long. I can't believe he's 2 months old, yet can't imagine life without him.

Friday, April 17, 2009

2 month stats

Well, its official...my son is a HAM! He weighed 14 lbs. 0 oz. today, and is 23.5 inches long. That puts him at above the 97% for weight, and 75-90% for height. Good job buddy!

The doctor also confirmed that he has NO murmur, and we are canceling his follow-up cardiologist appointments. Yay!

I will post pics of him as soon as he's not so hungry...and I am FINALLY getting to announcements today. What a great mom I am. :)

This is what happens when I nurse...

I think the makeup matches the hair, don't you?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The weather couldn't be better...and the kids got some adorable gifts from grandma and granddad. Happy Easter!

Big Sis

Such a sweet big sister...and let me just say that he smiles the BIGGEST when he sees her. :)

You should see how chubby he is. I love it.

Lyla's First Haircut!

Its hard to see how it came out...but it was a very cute experience. She did such a great job! Below is why I cut her hair. It was crazy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I am the worst mom!

I haven't taken any pictures of our new house, or Lyla and Grey together...or even of Grey in general. I have also been meaning to get the camcorder out for the cute smiles that Grey has started to offer...and for all the amazing things Lyla has started saying!

Grey is 7 weeks now, and flashed me the CUTEST smile yesterday morning. I was so happy to finally see it...he's precious.

Also, Lyla went pee on the potty tonight! She's been letting us know when she needs to poop lately, and when Nate was changing her diaper tonight he thought she might need to go again. He asked her if she wanted to go on the potty, she agreed....and the rest is history! I think I might start putting her on a few times a day. I can't believe she did it at only 19 months!

I also cut Lyla's hair last week...and it is so freaking cute. I will do my best to snag pictures tomorrow. I just had to write all this down for when I finally get to updating the baby books!