i have been waiting forever to post a new year update. do i want to post my resolutions? do i want to post my goals for the new year? i have everything jotted down, but nothing seemed to be particularly blog worthy. instead, i will just give you an update.
i took grey to the doctor on the 7th, and boy is he getting big! at 10 months he was:
-29.5 inches tall
-23.5 pounds
-growing bigger by the minute!
-standing, crawling, and even letting go sometimes
-says mama, dada, baby, hi, ball, and uh-uh-uh (meaning no no no!)
-claps, tries to wave, curious about EVERYTHING, and loves to follow his sister!

we are still working on solid foods...and weaning! he has 8 teeth, and that's 6 more than lyla had at one year, so i am about ready to be done with nursing. i must admit that i am quite proud of myself for nursing both of my kids for a year. it is no easy task, but i am sure glad i stuck it out.
grey also got is first haircut last weekend...its so adorable, and i love how red his hair is.

i had to post these pictures of lyla too. she is getting to be so big! i am hoping we can potty train soon, and i am already searching for preschools for the fall. i think she will love it, and i think i found one with dance classes built in. i really can't believe she is already old enough for school...

and finally, things are going great for nate and i. we found a condo to move into may 1st in saratoga springs. it is so very nice, and still a manageable commute for nate (no freeway driving necessary). i am already searching for cute stuff to furnish it with, and am excited for a fresh start this year.
so bring it on 2010. i am ready to have more fun, get in shape, get more organized, get back on track, and just be us. happy belated new year!