i know i already posted about his birthday...but i wanted to make sure i wrote down all of the cool things about him at 1 year.
-we are still nursing. grey got the croup 2 weeks ago, so he insisted on being nursed more than i had been doing...now we are getting back to 3 feedings a day! i don't mind though.
-solids are still somewhat a mystery. grey will eat almost any baby food (finally), but is still funny about textures. just this morning he had a few bites of scrambled eggs though...and some real pears this afternoon.
-his favorite foods include yogurt, french fries, cheerios, breads, most fruits, and of course, rice cereal.
-we have started the
sippy cup, though he doesn't totally get it. i can usually get him to gulp
doown a few sips before morning and afternoon nap.
-naps are easy, easy, easy. he doesn't make me nurse him, and he just snuggles up with his blanket for 2 naps a day--about 2 hours each!
-he is a crawling machine...but no walking yet! he loves to push his walker and new ride on toy, and will even stand alone. he can definitely get around between the furniture. i am in no hurry for this stage, though, because then i will have 2 toddlers to chase!
-he smiles. all. day. long.
-grey has 8 teeth! such a man.
-he is a chatter box! grey will repeat almost anything you ask him to...he can say: cow, dog, dad, mom, grand dad,
ellie, car, boy,
ba-boom!, puppy, baby, wow, uh-oh, hi, bye, cat, bear, poop (thanks dad), and uh-uh-uh (meaning no!).
-he is into everything! he tries to grab my laptop, play in the laptop, make messes, and thinks just about everything is funny.
-he just started giving kisses.
-still has the most darling red hair.
lyla's has changed, but i hope his won't!
-i estimate he still weighs about 24 pounds. he is definitely slowing down now, but i hope getting taller! he still has the biggest, chubbiest bum and cheeks. i have a feeling he may not be as lanky as his sister...
i know i brag about my kids a lot on here, but my little man is hysterical, and so so charming. i am excited to see him grow this next year.