wow. its been awhile. sorry about that.
for all of you who actually read this blog...i have been meaning to update it, but then more and more things kept happening, and i got more and more behind. i would forget to take my camera somewhere, and it just escalated. here i am, almost a whole summer of milestones behind me, and i don't have a lot to show for it! get the highlights, some random pictures, and hopefully more will come.
-nate and i celebrated our 5 year anniversary on june 22nd! we acted just like we did in high school--saw toy story 3, played some golf, and ate a delicious dinner at desert edge pub. great, great night. i will be mushy and say that i am so happy we have spent the last 5 years together. its been insane, fun, and the most rewarding 5 years of my life. i think we have started building a beautiful family and life together, so i can't wait to see what our lives look like in another 5 years.
-on july 20, i turned a quarter century old. eek. enough said. well, except that my family all went out to a yummy dinner at red robin, and my favorite present was my nook! thanks mom!
-lyla kate turned THREE on august 12th. i can't believe it still. she has accomplished quite a lot for just three years. she's fully potty trained, semi bi-lingual, can dance like a pro, and is so bright it surprises me everyday. she starts preschool in just two short weeks...along with soccer, dance, and all the other fun activities you can do once you're potty trained and semi-independent. she continues to be the sweetest girl i have ever met (i mean that honestly), and that's not just because she still takes a nap! she charms the pants off of all those she meets, and i just love her.

-we celebrated lyla's third birthday along with her favorite cousin dallin, who turned 4. we rented out the murray pool, and it was a lot of fun. the weather almost didn't cooperate, and i ruined her DARLING little mermaid cake, but it was still a great night.

-mr. grey turned 18 months on august 17th! let me tell you, this guy is hysterical. he would eat bananas all day, and he says EVERYTHING. serious. i am not being a braggy mom (well, maybe a little). he's started saying actual phrases like "dad, i see you!" and "mom, i spilled!" he still loves to snuggle, his night night, and anything with wheels. oh, and dora, thanks to older sis lyla. he even says "sneaky fox swipe stuff!" he loves to sing songs with his sis, and flirts with every woman in every store, everywhere we go. he's a hoot.

-nate and i went to paul mccartney! i must admit, i wasn't jazzed, but when nate told me his generous boss at real got us the tickets, i decide to go for it. let me tell you it was the best concert i have ever been to. the seats were amazing, the crowd was so fun, and that 68 year old man played for 3 hours, and no break!! that's talent.

-the rest of our summer has been spent with family, friends, at the pool, watching the mls champs in the heat, at the park, the bookstore, wheeler farm, the zoo and the aquarium.
we found out on july 5th that we are expecting baby number 3 next march! that makes me about 11 weeks, and we are very excited. nervous too. so there it is! i am feeling great, and baby seems to be too.

lyla's cake minutes before i smashed was so darling!
-more specifics on everyone to come soon!
P.S.--all (except the sir paul pic) were taken with my EVO. look it up. this phone is amazing. it was an anniversary present for both nate and i. another summer high light, for sure.