friday night we decorated pumpkins. i didn't get any pictures of grey because he was SO excited i had a hard time keeping him still enough to do stickers. since the kids are a bit young for carving, we went with painting and sticker decor, and it was a HIT. grey also kept picking up his pumpkin pail and kissing it saying "love you punkin, love you punkin." he's a hoot.

saturday morning we were at the zoo early, and went trick or treating in costume. lyla was a pretty princess, grey a shark, and nate and i REAL salt lake fans. the zoo was the highlight of the day, and we enjoyed brunch with friends afterward.

saturday night we went to the in-laws and trick or treated for about 20 minutes. it was windy, cold, and rainy, but the kids still got their fill. oh, and i went as an 8 ball that evening. ha.

happy halloween everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!