dear june,
today you are exactly one month old. i've tried my hardest to soak in every moment, and its still gone far too fast. you have been the most peaceful, lovely baby girl, and have made our family more complete.
you sleep for 4-5 hour stretches at night, and i am very thankful for this (and you have slept 3-4 hours at a time since the day we brought you home!). you love to nurse, and only cry when you are hungry or your brother has bothered you...sorry about that.
at 13 days, you weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces, and were 19.5 inches long
at 17 days old, you weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce.
now, when i weigh you in my arms, you are about 9.5 pounds. you have grown so much! you are also so alert and want to smile when i talk to you. you kick your legs and your eyes open wide...i know soon you will be grinning from ear to ear.
you finally like your swing, and love to chill out in your bouncy seat. you love baths, and curling up next to mom in your moby wrap (you snore and coo, its darling).
when you are trying to focus on someone or something you cross your eyes and its totally hilarious. i call it your crazy eyes. its cute.
we have adopted several nicknames for you around here...grey calls you juney, and now i do too. lyla calls you princess, puffin muffin, baby juney, or just puffin. she loves you to pieces, and both your brother and sister ask me about 30 times per day to hold you.
i so wish i could freeze time, or atleast make it go a little slower. you are the tiniest of my babies, and i notice more than ever that you are growing at lightning speed. so i am going to try and soak you in even more. i love you more than i can say, and you are more beautiful than i could have ever imagined. happy one month, my love!

first bath, 11 days old

a week old here

4 weeks here

oh, those lips!!!!