Went to the doc again today...and things look great. I am always angry when I leave there because I am always waiting, and when I finally get in the room, I have nothing to talk to the doctor about. I am in there for a whole 5 seconds. I have gained 12 pounds total this pregnancy so far, which my doctor says I should feel really good about. I just feel fat, but am excited that this little guy is growing normally. I am measuring right at 26 weeks, and go back again in 3. After that, I begin going every 2 weeks. That totally freaks me out. I honestly don't know where the time has gone...and with the holidays approaching, it will be 2009 before I know it!
The only downside to the appointment is that the doctor thinks I am probably experiencing some carpel tunnel. At night, I wake up about a million times because my right arm/hand is numb. Sometimes I get it in my feet too. Basically, I have to wear a hand brace when I can, especially at night. He also suggested ditching my maternity pillow in favor of a body pillow. Hopefully that relieves the pressure, and I can only hope it doesn't get any worse. Also, the leg cramps have begun again. With Lyla, I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night because I had cramps in both of my legs. Poor Nate, hopefully I can let him rest. I am starting to make lists again...there are lots of deep cleaning/organizing things I want to do before the new year, and hopefully I can keep on top of everything until I go into labor. I swear, I am such a weirdo when I am pregnant.