I've been informed several times by the fam that I haven't updated my blog in a century...or a month. Life is crazy with my 2 babes, so here is an update!!
Lyla, my moo, is getting bigger by the minute. She talks, dances and sings more everyday. Lyla always has us on her toes. But what can I say...she eats well, sleeps well and is a great big sister. We just realized tonight that she can identify all the letters in the alphabet...amazing. I can't believe she will be 2 soon!!

I love her smile and this outfit. And her red hair. I just love her.

Lyla's new favorite place is the petting zoo...and this picture is totally Lyla. She likes to watch from a distance until she is ready. She does this with everything in life...

...explaining to mom and dad that these are ducks. duh mom.

Lyla loves her some Parker...
Grey is growing like a weed...literally. I have weeds that grow in the backyard just as fast as he does. I stepped on a scale the other day with him in my arms...and I estimate he is in the 16.5-17.5 pound range. At 3 months, I'd say he's growing fine. He sleeps through the night, and takes a hearty afternoon nap. And he smiles...like a mad man. I don't remember Lyla being this smiley...but I love it. I also love to give him baths and revel in his rolls. I love chubby babies...it means I am doing my job! Here are some pictures for you all to revel in.

about a month ago...he only seems to like tummy time on the boppy. can't blame him really.

This weekend my sis and I are taking the kids to Texas. It will be the first time all 8 of us have been together, with my mom and grandparents....in 4 years. I can't wait to see them all, though not so excited about being without my right hand man for the weekend. More to come!