Lyla, my moo, is getting bigger by the minute. She talks, dances and sings more everyday. Lyla always has us on her toes. But what can I say...she eats well, sleeps well and is a great big sister. We just realized tonight that she can identify all the letters in the alphabet...amazing. I can't believe she will be 2 soon!!
Grey is growing like a weed...literally. I have weeds that grow in the backyard just as fast as he does. I stepped on a scale the other day with him in my arms...and I estimate he is in the 16.5-17.5 pound range. At 3 months, I'd say he's growing fine. He sleeps through the night, and takes a hearty afternoon nap. And he a mad man. I don't remember Lyla being this smiley...but I love it. I also love to give him baths and revel in his rolls. I love chubby means I am doing my job! Here are some pictures for you all to revel in.
This weekend my sis and I are taking the kids to Texas. It will be the first time all 8 of us have been together, with my mom and 4 years. I can't wait to see them all, though not so excited about being without my right hand man for the weekend. More to come!
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