My beautiful, beautiful niece was born on June 11. Miss Claire is absolutely perfect in every way, and I got to be in the delivery room! Ashley did an AMAZING job, and I was so happy she had a good experience. It was also an incredible experience to be in the delivery room just 3 months after having a baby myself. It truly is a miracle, and I am so grateful Ash let me be a part of her special day. Seriously, I have tears just thinking about it. :) Nate and I are VERY proud to be aunt and uncle.
I flew with my sister Lindsay and the kids to Texas at the end of last month, and it was a crazy, yet GREAT weekend. I came back with no voice, but I loved being able to spend time with my family. I wish I had gotten more pictures, but I had my hands full with 2 babies and no husband to take the pictures. I don't realize I am getting older until I see all of my siblings in one room, and boy am I getting older. They are all so grown up and gorgeous!
I am also back to being alone at home during the day with the kids. Nate got laid off from his new job last month...and it was quite a shock. Luckily, he worked his tail off and found a great position in Salt Lake. We don't have to move at the moment, so that's good, but we are continually trying to figure out the direction we should be going. Maybe one day we will get it right.
Hailey still sucks her thumb. . .I loved it when she was a baby because I think it made her an excellent sleeper. Sometimes I wish Adam would suck his so he would sleep, but I love the thought that I don't ever have to deal with taking a thumb/binki from him. Now that she's almost 3 it's not so cute. . . but there are pros and cons to both sides:). Enjoy the thumb now!:)
You have such a beautiful family. Thank you for the time and energy you put into keeping everyone updated on your lives.
Be careful of the thumb!! I was a thumb sucker and completely messed up my jaw and teeth. I had to wear braces for 5 years and I had jaw surgery!
I'm glad Nate was able to find a Job so quickly!! I'm sure that was pretty stressful for you. When one door closes you find another one that opens to a newer, better opportunity!
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