Tuesday, November 17, 2009

for you, my goo

this post is dedicated to my goo. i never thought i would ever have a boy, but i am certainly in love with this man. he is 9 months today, and i know everyone says they don't know where the time has gone...but i really don't. he is at my favorite stage. just learning to be independent (this little guy says 'dada,' and is seconds from crawling), but still likes to snuggle. i couldn't be a happier mom.

i was reflecting today on all i have been through since being married, and i have sacrificed a great deal, even given up things i didn't want to/didn't have a choice about. but for me, being a mom is something i chose, and being here for them everyday is something i will not sacrifice. sure, its hard, but the best things in life are worth working for.

anyway, happy 9 months goo. you are amazing. :)

and yes, i had to put every picture up. who can resist those cheeks? not me.

this is grandma mary...we miss her always. :)

infamous grand-dad. :)


The Lyon Den said...

I love him!

Foster Mom said...

His smile is SO cute! Love this post. Time goes by so fast. Sometimes that's a good thing becuase then we know things will not be the same for long. But sometimes it's a bad thing...like then it makes out kiddo's grow up too fast.