-there is never enough time in the day. For example, sometimes it takes me a week to wash all of the laundry, fold it, iron it and put it away. Kind of makes me crazy.
-there is always a new stage or transition waiting for me to conquer. Right now I am facing potty training, moving grey to a big boy bed, weaning lyla off of naps, moving the 2 girls into a room together...the list goes on. It's feels very daunting, and it all needs to happen in the next couple of months.
-time passes faster with each baby and all of their little baby milestones. I tell myself in the shower everyday to soak miss June in. And I think I do an ok job. I cant get enough of her smile, and thank goodness for breastfeeding because I dont think I would be able to sit down otherwise. Her siblings are also obsessed with her, so a lot of the focus stays on her anyway.
-I've learned that my little boy is very bright, very busy and very funny. He has had the hardest transition over the last 4 months, but I think he will come through it
-I have also learned that I am very critical of myself as a mother. Are the kids watching too much tv, why didn't we spend more time outdoors today. Why cant I think of more art projects, why can't I keep my house up the way I want? Was i too hard on grey and lyla? Am i managing my expectations for them? I've learned to take it day by day...and I know that most people are their own worst critics, but I'm always trying to improve. Always.
-and not to be too mushy, but I've learned that it takes more than one, and maybe truly a village to raise children. In particular, I could not do any of the things I do without Nate. He has been so fantastic from the moment June has arrived, and well, forever. We truly operate as a team, and I love it. 5:30 is my favorite time of day because he walks through the door. Just wanted to write that down.

My squishies.
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