So I found some of these adorable pictures on my camera, and had to post them. First, this picture of Nate was taken on Thanksgiving (to be more specific...our first Thanksgiving as a family of 3!), and he is such a handsome guy. I've always felt so special to have married someone I consider to be so good looking and sweet. I was always the awkward nerdy girl in high school, and Nate always told me how much he loved my height. I feel like we have done a lot of growing up together...and I know that we definitely have more to do. Nate will do anything to make me happy, and I love that about him. We have been talking so much lately about what we want our lives to be like and what we want to teach our kids; I know that Nate will do amazing at whatever he decides to pursue (being a Veterinarian would be AWESOME).
This picture of Lyla with her grand-dad is so sweet. It was taken while Lyla and I were still in the hospital. Lyla is Mike's (Nate's dad) first grand daughter, and I am so excited for all the fun they will have together. I am my grandfather's first granddaughter and I have always looked up to him and wanted to make him proud. Mike doesn't have any daughters, so I know he doesn't realize what he is in for...but he is the greatest grandfather and I am proud to call him my dad.
I love this picture of my sister Lindsay and I. She is SO BEAUTIFUL, and I love everything about her. Lindsay is independent, hilarious and the most loyal person you will ever meet. She is also the most trustworthy. I know I can tell her anything, and she is the only person on earth I can say that about (besides Nate, of course). I am so happy to be growing up with her...I know that we will only have more in common over the years, and that is certainly something to look forward to.
Finally, here is another picture of my Lyla Kate...I can't resist how incredibly sweet she is (it must come from her dad and grand-dad). She has had such a terrible cold lately, and I can't wait for her to feel better. But honestly, she still looks more adorable and gorgeous everyday...I can't even stand it!
We clearly both have infants, to be up blogging at such a strange hour! Cute pictures, I'm jealous that Lyla keeps her eyes open long enough for some good shots!!
Hey Sis! My niece is so cute! I extremely enjoy being an Aunt! It's crazy to look at these pictures and see how much she has grown and changed so much. Time really flys when your having fun! She is such a beautiful baby I love her so much!!
Hey Sis! My niece is so cute!! I am so happy to be an Aunt! Its crazy to look at these pics and see how much she has grown and changing constantly! She is the most beautiful baby and I love her so much!
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