as i watch football/big love with nater tonight, i am reminded of just how pregnant i am. i wince to get off the couch, and then struggle to walk. i firmly believe she will be big. i am not a complainer, but i hate this part in my pregnancy...the part that unfortunately lasts until the very end. its really my only qualm, so i guess it isn't that bad after all...
other random thoughts:
-i am cleaning out car seats tonight, and i pulled the infant carrier out of storage, so i am cleaning out 3. weird.
-i fed the kids yogurt in the tub tonight. best idea ever, and no mess!
-i feel that grey needs this for his birthday. its 5 feet long!
-i can't believe its the last week in january. i thought this month would definitely drag. yeah, it didn't. and i am in the last month before i am due. what?
-i haven't admitted it to nate yet, but i love listening to talk radio on saturday mornings with him...even if the kids scream in the car and we have to bribe them with lots of candy. wait wait, don't tell me-- is my new fave.
-i really dread eating. no matter what i eat or how much, i always feel way too full.
here are some pictures of grey. he's funny.

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