Tuesday, December 4, 2007

3 1/2 month checkup....

So Nate and I took Lyla for her checkup last Friday...and she is getting so big! At 3 1/2 months, she weights 14.5 pounds and is 25.5 inches long! She is in the 95th percentile for height, and the 80th for weight. I don't know where she got her height from.... :)

I can't believe Lyla has already doubled her birth weight. I can barely remember how tiny she was when we brought her home. Now she is full of life and loves to play with mommy and daddy. I feel so lucky to have her in my life...and though things have been hard, I am more than willing to sacrifice the little things that I want so I can spend as much time with her as possible. Love you Miss Lyla Kate...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I weighed Parker on Friday, one month old, and he was 9 pounds and 1.5 ounces!! He's slowly catching up!!