Sunday, December 30, 2007

Reading List....

One of the greatest benefits to my breastfeeding has been that I get to do a lot of reading in the middle of the since Lyla has been born I have been able to read a few books (and I do love to read more than anything). Since I hope to one day impart my love of reading onto Lyla, I thought it only appropriate to jot down a list of my favorites:

So here is my list of not so intellectual reading, but that I love anyway:

1. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
2. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
3. What to Expect: The First Year (This book should really be on my intellectual list--I refer to it for everything)
4. The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer (I am about to start the second book, and Nate says they are amazing!)

And here is my list of books which have high literary quality, and that I think everyone should read:

1. On Beauty by Zadie Smith
2. White Teeth by Zadie Smith (I actually like this one better)
3. The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler (okay, so it's not a deep read, but they are hilarious, and everyone should read them in February for V-Day, right?)
4. Birth by Tina Cassidy---I read this while I was pregnant and LOVED it...what a great history of childbirth--I am so glad I had a baby in 2007!
5. 1776 by David McCullough--I read this while in Boston and it was incredible to me how much American history was made on the very road I traveled to get to work.
6. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath--I am reading this now and it is WONDERFUL!
7. Feminism is for Everybody by Bell Hooks--this is a great book for everyone, because everyone can be a feminist!

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