Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Bottle Blues....

I tried to give Lyla a bottle of breastmilk again this morning, but to no avail. I swear, she must think I am an idiot. She woke up about 9, and only nursed one side before falling back asleep. So I decided to pump the other side and wait until she woke up to try a bottle. The makers of the bottle claim it's the best bottle for breastfed babies, and I have heard great things about it from other moms. Sadly, Lyla puts the bottle in her mouth and does me a look saying "Mom, do you really think I don't know the difference?" Maybe I tried the bottle too late, or maybe she was never going to take the bottle (she doesn't take a pacifier either!). Either way, I guess I should just be thankful that Lyla doesn't spit up, she sleeps through the night, and breastfeeds like a pro. It may be a little harder, but I know I will be glad I breastfed...and I am definitely not sick of having her around all the time. Maybe we will try rice cereal with the 4 ounces of milk I have sitting in the fridge (that's just from one side!) wonder she's so big!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Don't give up!! My neice wouldn't take a bottle for the life of her, then one magical day she did. Also, there are some nipples that are TINY that worked for her, they are Gerber brand - I'll keep an eye out for them, who knows maybe they'll work!!