I can't believe you are 9 months already! You have started doing so many amazing and funny things, and you make me laugh ALL the time! Thank you for being such a wonderful addition to my life, because you make everything worth while. Here are some of the things you do that I adore:
--your "crunch smile"
--you have started signing!! You can say "more," "milk," "eat," "all done," and you always try to sign along with your movie....so cute!
--you can stand at your toybox and get just about any toy you want
--you know how to push all the buttons on your play kitchen, even open and close the oven
--I love that you get excited to turn the page when I read you a story, and then laugh when you see the next page
--you snuggle your "night night" when you nurse
--you love it when I rock you to sleep
--you wave hello
--you always fall asleep to baby Mozart
--you just love to play

--you are happy 99% of the time--what a great way to live!
I can't wait to see what you learn to do in the coming months. I love you!
Love, mom
SO CUTE!! I can't believe how big she is getting!! Lets get together soon!!
OMG Lacy she is absolutely precious! She is so big now; she is too dang cute I love her!! I miss you guys so much I have been checking your bog everyday and I you finally put new stuff on there. I feel bad that y'all were sick :( Anyways I am glad you guys are all feeling better now. I can't wait to see you guys, I haven't seen Lyla since she was a Newborn she is so big now...I can’t believe it. Anyways she is already acting like me she likes to pull everything out of whatever and sit in it...loll I used to do that all the time remember. it is still hard for me to believe that you are a mom...it is all so weird to me still you are so grown up...we all are...its not like it used to be and my life is never what I had expected it to be. I am so glad to you have you as an older sister and I hope you don't think that I have betrayed you in any way I love you sis and I always will and I miss you guys all so bad and I feel like this whole thing is my fault even though it wasn't what was planned I love my family very much and I am so blessed to have you guys in my life and I am sorry that I haven't been keeping in touch lately but I am trying to figure out my path and my life.. I wish this all wasn't so hard sometimes but it always is...anyways I love you sis and I am sorry if I ever hurt you! I love all of you so much! Anways I graduate in 2 weeks exactly I am so excited I can't believe this moment is here 12 years of school finished...I think of you when I think about all of this I only hope I can be as successful as you you are such a great role model and I hope I become someone who is as great as you! Anyways I gotta go to class I love you sis!
Talk to you later!
Tell Nate and lyla I love and miss them too...
Love, Your little sis Lauren!
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