Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's a good day when....

My awesome daughter takes a 3 hour nap today, and then goes down to bed peacefully at 9 p.m. Today Nate and I got to enjoy our afternoon watching National Treasure 2 while Lyla slept, and then Lyla at an entire jar of bananas with her oatmeal---which is no small feat for my child. She typically hates fruit, but gobbled it all up today. And at dinner she even ate some baked beans and pieces of noodle from the pasta salad...she's getting so big!

Last night Nate and I went to the Blaze game, and we had a blast! Nate's parents watched Lyla for us, and we came home to a very happy girl who was bathed and wearing the CUTEST new pajamas! Thanks guys! It's so nice to know that we can leave her every once in awhile, especially since she's been pretty attached to my boobs for the last 9 months. As much as I am looking forward to weaning Lyla, I have loved that I chose to breastfeed exclusively. In any case, it was nice to get out with just the 2 of us...we haven't done that in MONTHS!

I am hoping the weather holds out in the morning because we are really excited to go to the zoo with the kids (Andy, Ashley and Dallin are coming!) Until then....goodnight!


Grandma Mary said...

I just love the pictures, she is changing all the time. Glad you and Nate got out for the evening....wish I was closer to watch her more. Maybe if you come in Sept I will watch her while you go to the Red Sox/Ranger you all!!

Grandma Mary

Jenny said...

There is a link on the side of my blog where I got the background!