Friday, February 20, 2009

Our handsome man.

We finally made it! Grey Michael Sylvia made his appearance on February 17, at 2:15 p.m. My labor went really well. After 5 short hours and 3 pushes, he has made me the happiest mommy around! He weighed 8 lb. 10 oz, and was 19.5 inches long. Nate and I were surprised by the weight, but are so glad he is chubby and healthy! I was so glad to have my sister Lindsay there for the was very peaceful and stress free. Lyla seems to be doing really well also. We are trying to give her extra hugs and kisses, but so far she has been so sweet to Grey and seems to love being a big sister. Nate's parents were rock stars, and took excellent care of Lyla. It was so awesome to not stress about where she was or if she was handling everything ok (I had never been away from Lyla overnight before, so it was a little nerve racking for me!). I am so grateful for them!

I am feeling really good, other than being a bit tired. Grey LOVES to nurse, and now that my milk has come in we can try to get a better schedule down at night. Overall, I'd have to say its been the best experience. I can't believe my pregnancy is over because it went by SO fast, and I am excited to start doing some really fun things with these little guys. I truly wouldn't have it any other way.

The only other major detail regarding the birth is that Grey likely has a condition called VSD--or Ventricular Septal Defect. One of the nurses noticed a heart murmur yesterday morning, and so we did a chest x-ray and EKG to rule out any major problems with his heart. After a long day of waiting and stress, it looks like he may have a small hole between his left and right ventricle. Although I have been really stressed about it, the defect has a good chance of correcting itself. None of the doctors felt a need to refer Grey to a cardiologist, and his blood pressure, oxygen and pulses have all come back PERFECT. For now we are simply going to follow up with our pediatrician, so I will know more on Monday after that appointment. Even though I have tried to not think about it, what I have read has been reassuring. VSD is the most common heart defect, and 75% of patients who have small defects see it clear up before they are 4. Hopefully it just requires some monitoring, and I am so grateful to have him home with us.

Here are some pictures to enjoy...I am likely getting some professional shots taken next weekend, so I will have those to share soon! My mom and grandma are also flying in on Sunday to spend a few days with me. I am SO excited, and feel more calm that I will have company when Nate goes back to work. Enjoy!

I absolutely love this cute is my family?
Proud Aunt Lindsay...thanks for all your support!

Grey at 3 days old...those cheeks are soo chunky, and I love it! Too bad the pictures don't do his hair justice. It is amazing!


Whit said...

So stinkin cute! I love chubby babies!

Jenny said...

He really is so adorable! I can't wait to see him again!

The Lyon Den said...

Lacy and Nate,
Congrats. Your little guy is so cute. We can't wait to see him. Hope all is well.

Meghan Hendrix said...

He is so cute. I see so much of both you and Nate in him. Haha I think he looks the most like Lyla. I'm glad there were no major complications. I've had a heart murmur my whole life and never had any problems with it! I'm so happy for all of you!

The Bradys said...

Congrats! He is absolutely adorable!

I hope everything continues to go well with his VSD. I actually took Adam into his 2 month appointment last week and he had the exact same problem. Keep us posted on how he does and what you learn.

MEGGandBOBBY said...

how freaking cute is he? Congratulations!! We will have to all get together when you are ready to have a night off lol!!