Wednesday, February 11, 2009

STILL waiting.

As of last Monday, I am still dilated to about a 4, 8o percent effaced, and the baby's head is SUPER low. Basically, I am still waiting, and getting more sore by the minute. I hate being a complainer, but he can come out anytime he wants because I am definitely done! I have less than a week until my scheduled induction, but I would really like him to come before the weekend because Monday is a paid holiday for Nate.

My goal is to try and keep busy, as Nate and I have other life changing events we have to think about too. I'll post more on that later, once we make some decisions. Hopefully my next post will be pictures of my handsome little boy!!


Whit said...

Good luck I know how you feel! We'll keep you and Nate in our prayers!

The Lyon Den said...

I know that you are a few days ahead of me, but I would sort of feel better if she came too. I think today was a bit much for me. Hey maybe we should go find a trampoline, start drinking castor oil, and eat really spicy food all at the same time.