here's pretty, pretty June. she's almost 9 months, and keeps us very busy. she crawls (this started at 7 months), and now pulls up on everything! literally, everything she sees. i even saw her try to stand alone this week (she's totally cute). she's become a much better eater, though she definitely isn't lacking calories. last week she weighed 19lb even. sheesh.
we are working on signing. she signs "more" and claps when you say "yay juney!" she loves puffs, her little toddler cheeto puffs, and just this evening, she said dada. june also has almost 8 teeth, there are 3 more on the top just cutting through this weekend. she is by far my earliest teether, i expect she will be walking and have a full mouth of teeth by her first birthday.
but perhaps my most favorite trick she does is her foot clapping. i am not even kidding, she actually claps with her feet! i am going to have to get it on video because its hilarious. i think she started doing it when she got excited in the moby. it is the cutest.