Oh Juney, you are just the cutest, squishiest, sweetest thing on earth. I am a bit late, but here are some of the awesome things about you at 5 months:
-you are a rolling/creeping machine
-you try to sit up, but are sooo wobbly
-you love the moby, and i have started facing you outward. you try to hold on to the cart or stroller, and we get a lot of attention. you are my greatest accessory.
-first teeth are in before you are 6 months! this has caused you to have a lot, i mean A LOT of gas. its totally weird, but i had to note it
-you are so happy, and i think dad pulls the biggest smiles out of you
-you love love love the exersaucer. you are just so big!
-you kind of have this old grandpa hair thing going on in the front...its all wiry and wispy when i am not careful to neatly swoop it to the side
-you are still a pretty good sleeper, although teething/gas have interrupted that a bit
-we are getting ready to move you to a crib, but you have been so cozy in mom and dad's room
-you jabber on and on. its pretty funny, and loud
-you adore your toes, just like big sis. you are so bewildered when i put you in a sleeper, and you try to grab at the sleeper and pull it off your foot. too funny.
-your hair is destined to be brownish/blonde. no red for you...but you have your own beautiful huge blue eyes.
also, i weighed you today, and at 5.5 months you are 16lb 5 oz. CHUB! I love it.
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