Sunday, February 27, 2011

some old, some new

i thought some of these pictures were too cute to not share. some are from around christmas time, and others i took just yesterday. there's not much new to report around here...we are just waiting for miss june to make her appearance, which could be any day now, or any minute (i wish).

as of friday, i am dilated to almost a 4, 70% effaced, and her head is really low. sorry if that's too much info, but i figured it was good to note since i am not 38 weeks until tomorrow. i progressed this quickly with grey too, and ended up being induced. i hope she's not so stubborn!

also, people (including myself), seem to think this lady will be big. nate's guess is 8lb. 14 oz, while i think she will be around 8lb. 6oz. or so. but if i hang on another week or two, i might be tempted to say almost 9 pounds.

now you can enjoy the rest of the pictures. :)
lyla and dallin building a snowman in december!
lyla and dad on grey's birthday
dad and grey eating lunch yesterday. they don't look related at all, right?
and a shot of all 3...smiling?!?! never happens.

1 comment:

The Lyon Den said...

I love the last picture. What a cute family you have. Can't wait to see who June looks like!