It's 6:30 in the morning, and I just got Lyla back down to sleep. The last 2 nights Nate and I have tried letting her "cry it out" to go to sleep. Lyla has started waking up 2-3 times per night since about 9 1/2 months, and the doctor told us she would probably continue to do so if we let her. I have been dreading this moment for so long, because I could never stand to make my baby cry! So on Friday night, I nursed Lyla, and she of course fell asleep. I decided that if she woke up, I would not pick her up. About 30 minutes after I put her down, she was crying, so I went into her room and told her I loved her, gave her the blanket and walked out. She was so mad, and ended up crying for 50 minutes!!! I was so sad! I had to shower and basically lock myself in my room so I couldn't hear her! When Nate came in and told me she was sleeping I had to go check on her--and when I did I realized she had pooped her pants!! I couldn't let her sleep like that all night, so I did my best to sneak in and change her diaper. Luckily she went right back down!!
Last night I nursed Lyla and tried not to let her fall asleep--a very hard task for a baby who loves to nurse at night. She did end up falling asleep, but I woke her before laying her in her crib. Boy, she didn't like that. I was really nervous about how long she would cry, but she only cried for
SEVEN MINUTES! I thought it was a total fluke--we went swimming yesterday, and she was really tired and a little sunburned! She slept through the night again, and woke at 6:15. I thought she might be pretty hungry, so I just nursed her and laid her back down. I hope my good luck continues tonight, and then we can move on to naps!! In a way, I wish I had done this months ago, but in all honesty, I am so glad I have had the time to hold Lyla and rock her to sleep. I know I will never have that again, and I have truly loved it.
On another note, Lyla had her 10 month checkup on Thursday. Here are the stats:Weight: 20 lb. 4 oz. and 70th percentile for weight
--I was concerned that she dropped a percentile, but the doctor said that is totally normal since she has been crawling/standing since about 8 months. She's still a big girl!
Height: about 30 inches and about 90-93rd percentile for height
--they had a really hard time getting her height because she would NOT hold still! My baby is one tall chica!
I am weird because I totally love to go to the doctor. I am always wondering if she's gaining enough weight, if I am feeding her enough, etc. I am definitely too paranoid, and the doctor reassures me for a little while!
Finally, I want to say Happy Fathers Day to my lovely husband. He is such a great dad and husband. No one has more laughs than we do, and Lyla just adores you. Thank you for giving me such a sweet and beautiful daughter! Enjoy your day! I love you!