Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baby names...

Well, Lyla just went down for her second nap of the day. I swear, the earlier she goes to bed at night, the longer she sleeps, and she takes even better naps! I love it. Although I should be cleaning up from our afternoon of playing, I decided to jot down some baby names that Nate and I love.

If it's a boy, we will probably name him Michael Grey, but call him Grey. We have loved that name since we found out we were pregnant with Lyla, and neither of us can come up with anything better.

If it's a girl, we really like London Elise. We have thrown around a ton of girl names--Lucy, Adalyn, and Noel are just a few, but we keep going back to London at the moment. Oh well, I guess we will find out in early October!

1 comment:

The Bradys said...

I'm jealous! Matt and I can't agree on any boy names, our poor kid. I love the name London, very cute.