Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Exciting News and a Fun Weekend!


Okay, the big news of the week is that Nate and I are expecting baby #2!!!!! We were totally shocked, but are excited for our family to grow! I found out last Wednesday, and Nate can't keep a big secret like this, so we told our family right away! I know it's a bit early, but it is nice to have support. I am still trying to wrap my brain around the concept, but I think we are going to have a lot of fun! My estimated due date is late February (which will make Lyla 18.5 months!!!!), but when I go to the doctor I am sure I will have a better idea. So there it is...I am sure I will be posting more about my thoughts, hopes, fears and excitement.

Nate and I had a fun weekend, considering we actually got to spend one full day together! He has been working so hard lately, and I appreciate him so much! On Sunday we took a drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon to Silver Lake. The weather was PERFECT up there, and it was a great escape from the heat. Lyla had a really fun time, and of course, charmed the pants off of anyone who saw her. :)Like she'd ever keep the hat on for more than 5 seconds.

On Friday night, I went to the Tim McGraw concert with Jenny and Ashley. I was so nervous about leaving Lyla at bedtime, but she was so GREAT for dad and went down without a peep. The weather was amazing, and I had a lot of fun. Jenny and Ashley both have this picture on their blogs, but I think it's cute, so here it is again!

On Saturday we went to the Blaze playoff game. Andy scored us awesome seats, but the Blaze lost...sad. We still had a great time, though I will probably not be bringing a 10 month old to another sporting event. She is so busy and wants to be everywhere! It's definitely hard to keep her contained for 3 hours!

I also wanted to post these super cute pictures of Lyla and Dallin. They are the cutest cousins ever! Lyla just lights up when he is in the room. Lyla has also been a total ham lately. Whenever she eats her oatmeal, she loves to make this super funny face. I can't help but laugh!


Jenny said...

Yeah for babies!

The Bradys said...

Congrats! I'm sure Lyla will make a great big sister. Hope the pregnancy symptoms haven't hit you too hard:).

Whit said...

That is so exciting! How fun for you and Nate! Do you get sick when you're pregnant? I hope not to bad. How fun, maybe someday I'll get to meet Lyla she sure is a cute little thing!

Meghan Hendrix said...

Congratulations to all of you! That is so exciting! Me and all my siblings are within 16 months of each other and i love being so close with all of them.

Shannon said...

OH my gosh congrats woman!! I'm sorry but i had to tell chris! haha Well that is very exciting news!! Lyla will be the cutest big sister! Let's all play again soon, it's been a while!