Monday, January 5, 2009

33 weeks and some resolutions

Went to the OB this morning...and I am measuring pretty close to 33 weeks (just about 34, actually). And I LOST 3 pounds. I thought that was weird, but I have been really good about soda, fast food and sweets. Apparently the nasty food has been making me keep on extra weight. Only 4 appointments left until the big day! Hopefully the last week or so I can indulge a little bit, because I know I will have to be really healthy while breastfeeding. :) I will post a pic soon...I never took pictures of myself late in my pregnancy with Lyla, and I definitely want to remember this time!

I also set up the seems a bit early, but I didn't want all the pieces laying around the house after I took them out of storage. I'll post pictures of that as well...its really cute, and now I can start stocking it with blankets and diapers. My goal is to have most things totally ready by the end of the month, so I can enjoy some time with just Lyla and I.

And in other news, one of my New Year's resolutions is to read more, so I have started reading The Nine, by Jeffrey Toobin. Its about the Supreme Court, and it won the New York Times Book of the Year Award. I love it so far. It appeals to my nerdy side, and makes me wish I were back in college. Maybe one day. Atleast I can read like I'm in college :)

1 comment:

The Lyon Den said...

You look fabulous. You are so good to take pictures of your progress. I think that I have taken 2.
I to am also trying to have everything ready. But you are a million steps ahead of me. This weekend I am painting the room for the nursery. Yea!!