Well, we are in the new house and officially OUT of the condo. I really haven't done much in terms of unpacking...the beds are up, but closets are not. Needless to say, I have a looooong to do list this week. My mom was here yesterday, so we hung out at the new Nordstrom and her hotel until late. I had a GREAT time! She brought the kids some freaking adorable outfits, and attempted to buy me a shirt. Its so cute, but its too bad my chest is too gigantic (the part about having babies that I HATE). Gotta love motherhood.
-Lyla Kate is having tons of fun running around the new house. She has her own play area, with t.v. for signing time! She's still sweet to Mr. Grey...in fact, I have to chase her away from him so she doesn't suffocate him with kisses!
-Grey slept for almost 6 HOURS last night! After packing and moving all week, the rest was just what we needed. He's starting to smile...though I haven't seen it. My mom and sister got all excited because he smiled at them last night, and Nate claims he saw a smile this morning. Humph. I'm the mom, I'm supposed to see it first. :)
I should take some pictures...and I will post them promptly once I get things in order here. All is well with the Sylvia's, now can we just get rid of this snow? UGH!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Happy Spring!
Since I have a minute before my crazy morning gets started, I thought I would post some updates about my adorable little family. A LOT has been going on!
Its official...spring has sprung!! I am so excited to get the kids out today, because its going to be 70!! (My deepest apologies to my family in Texas and California who came to visit only a couple weeks ago, and it was freezing...now you have to come back and enjoy the amazing Utah weather!).
Grey turned 1 month old on Tuesday...and it made me a little sad. I seriously don't know where 4 weeks went...but he's eating really well, and growing like a weed! He's outgrown the vast majority of his newborn outfits and sleepers, and is definitely more alert. He also lets me know when he's hungry, and we hear a few cries from time to time. I am going to try to give him his first bottle this week, so maybe dad can get a couple feedings in. Lyla NEVER took a bottle or pacifier, so I really don't have my hopes up...but it would sure be nice! Not to mention all the breast milk I have stored from those first couple weeks of engorgement (sorry...that's kinda gross). Grey also sleeps well the majority of nights! Last night he slept from 9:30-1, and then from 2-7!! I feel like I just slept for days! Sometimes we have some rough nights, but I guess that means he's just hungry and growing!

Here are some of his newborn pictures that we got done. The photogrpaher did the photo shoot for FREE because she is new and building up her portfolio, but I think she did a wonderful job! He's only 9 days old in these pictures! My sweet friend Jenny also designed a photo birth announcement for me, and I am excited to send that out as well! Grey is seriously so adorable. And I don't think I am that biased. :)

Lyla is also doing really well. I feel like an idiot because I have not been taking pictures of her, but perhaps we will get a few on the swings when we get out today. She is getting funnier by the minute. Her current favorite show on tv is Dora and Superwhy. She's recognizing letters, and makes sure to point them out to Nate and I when we go places. She can recognize pretty much all the vowels, and I am really impressed! She can also count to 10, and does a decent job of singing along to the ABC's. We are inching ever closer to moving to a big girl bed too...I am trying my best to hold off, but she's continually getting her leg stuck in the rails and then screams for us to help her. Lyla is also taking off her clothes in the morning...I know the next step is climbing out! She's been a PERFECT big sister, and I don't mean to brag. Her world revolves around giving her brother hugs and kisses...I couldn't be prouder!
As for Nate and I...we are also doing well. Nate just returned from a work trip! He was gone almost all week doing training and orientation for a new job he just took. Nate will be working from home, which will be nice, but also an ajdustment! We are getting ready to move to accomodate that, so I have plenty more updates to come! I feel great...and feel like I am just where I should be. Now I am off to get the kids ready...I have a hair appointment after months of procrastination...I am excited for short hair again! Happy Spring everyone!
Its official...spring has sprung!! I am so excited to get the kids out today, because its going to be 70!! (My deepest apologies to my family in Texas and California who came to visit only a couple weeks ago, and it was freezing...now you have to come back and enjoy the amazing Utah weather!).
Grey turned 1 month old on Tuesday...and it made me a little sad. I seriously don't know where 4 weeks went...but he's eating really well, and growing like a weed! He's outgrown the vast majority of his newborn outfits and sleepers, and is definitely more alert. He also lets me know when he's hungry, and we hear a few cries from time to time. I am going to try to give him his first bottle this week, so maybe dad can get a couple feedings in. Lyla NEVER took a bottle or pacifier, so I really don't have my hopes up...but it would sure be nice! Not to mention all the breast milk I have stored from those first couple weeks of engorgement (sorry...that's kinda gross). Grey also sleeps well the majority of nights! Last night he slept from 9:30-1, and then from 2-7!! I feel like I just slept for days! Sometimes we have some rough nights, but I guess that means he's just hungry and growing!

Here are some of his newborn pictures that we got done. The photogrpaher did the photo shoot for FREE because she is new and building up her portfolio, but I think she did a wonderful job! He's only 9 days old in these pictures! My sweet friend Jenny also designed a photo birth announcement for me, and I am excited to send that out as well! Grey is seriously so adorable. And I don't think I am that biased. :)

Lyla is also doing really well. I feel like an idiot because I have not been taking pictures of her, but perhaps we will get a few on the swings when we get out today. She is getting funnier by the minute. Her current favorite show on tv is Dora and Superwhy. She's recognizing letters, and makes sure to point them out to Nate and I when we go places. She can recognize pretty much all the vowels, and I am really impressed! She can also count to 10, and does a decent job of singing along to the ABC's. We are inching ever closer to moving to a big girl bed too...I am trying my best to hold off, but she's continually getting her leg stuck in the rails and then screams for us to help her. Lyla is also taking off her clothes in the morning...I know the next step is climbing out! She's been a PERFECT big sister, and I don't mean to brag. Her world revolves around giving her brother hugs and kisses...I couldn't be prouder!
As for Nate and I...we are also doing well. Nate just returned from a work trip! He was gone almost all week doing training and orientation for a new job he just took. Nate will be working from home, which will be nice, but also an ajdustment! We are getting ready to move to accomodate that, so I have plenty more updates to come! I feel great...and feel like I am just where I should be. Now I am off to get the kids ready...I have a hair appointment after months of procrastination...I am excited for short hair again! Happy Spring everyone!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Last week was full of adjustments and doctor appointments. It was the first full week I had alone during the day, and I think it went pretty well. I felt like my entire days were consumed by nursing, changing diapers, and feeding Lyla. BUT, my days flew by, and I can't believe that Grey is already almost 3 weeks old!
Grey went to the cardiologist on Tuesday, and we got some good news there. His EKG and chest x-ray came back normal, so they don't think the hole is putting any strain on his body. If the hole is large, his heart would appear enlarged on one side because the heart works extra hard to compensate for the lesser amount of oxygenated blood getting to the ventricle. His blood pressure was normal, and he has great pulses as well. Basically, the cardiologist wants to see him again in 3 months, just to check. If the murmur is still there, we will probably follow up again, but the doctor was pretty confident it will close on its own. We were so relieved!
Lyla Kate:
Weight: 25 lbs.--60-70%
Height: 33.5 inches--90-95%
--Lyla put on quite a show for the doctor, was really talkative, and showed the doctor all of her signs. The doctor was pretty impressed. I'm so glad she's growing well...I love tall girls!
Grey Michael:
Weight: 9 lb. 5 oz.--80-90%
Height: 21 inches--60%
I am SO HAPPY he's gained so much weight! That's the biggest indicator that his heart is working great! Besides, chubby babies look and feel like healthy babies. It was so reassuring, especially since I breastfeed. You just never know how much they are getting...so way to go buddy!
My sis Lauren is here this weekend from Texas, and my other sis Lindsay is coming down for a sleepover tonight. I am so happy to have them both around. It is really the first time we have hung out alone as adults. Its crazy how fast time flies, and they are both such gorgeous women...I am a proud big sis!
Overall, I'd have to say that I am very happy with how things are going. Grey is really a great baby (not to brag). I had a lot of anxiety about having 2 kids so young, and so far, things are going so smoothly (besides my lack of sleep, of course). Enjoy the pics!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My life as a "real" mom
I've heard so many people say that after you have your second baby, you finally feel like a real mom. Well, now that my mom and grandma have left, I am starting to understand what that means. Between diaper changes, nursing, reading stories, cooking, cleaning and playing, my days FLY by and I definitely feel more busy.We had a wonderful 3 days with my mom and grandma, and I am so glad they got to spend time with both of the grandkids. It is hard for me to live away from my family. so I am always happy when I get to spend any time with them. My sister Lindsay also came down from Heber to hang out with everyone. I am so glad to have shared the whole birth experience with her...she was a great support, and I am so proud to have her as my sister.
This week I feel like we have a ton of doctor appointments. Grey goes to the cardiologist at Primary Childrens, and both the kids have routine check ups with our pediatrician. Hopefully I will learn more about Grey's heart this week, but I feel like he's doing really well, so hopefully no worries there. We got Grey's newborn pictures taken on Thursday night, and I think they are going to turn out really cute! He was naked for most of them, so of course he peed and pooped ALL OVER US and made a huge mess. I guess that's what we get for making him take pictures naked. :)
My sister Lauren is flying in on Friday for the weekend, and I am really excited. She's a cute aunt, and I am happy I get to spend some time with just my sisters. Hope everyone has a great week!
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