Sunday, March 1, 2009

My life as a "real" mom

I've heard so many people say that after you have your second baby, you finally feel like a real mom. Well, now that my mom and grandma have left, I am starting to understand what that means. Between diaper changes, nursing, reading stories, cooking, cleaning and playing, my days FLY by and I definitely feel more busy.We had a wonderful 3 days with my mom and grandma, and I am so glad they got to spend time with both of the grandkids. It is hard for me to live away from my family. so I am always happy when I get to spend any time with them. My sister Lindsay also came down from Heber to hang out with everyone. I am so glad to have shared the whole birth experience with her...she was a great support, and I am so proud to have her as my sister.

As for the baby...he is settling in quite well. He eats A LOT, and never really fusses. I wish I could spend more time snuggling and laying around with him, but Lyla keeps me on my toes. Typcially, he eats every 3 hours, sometimes 4 at night. Today he's nursing every 2 hours during the day (can you say growth spurt?). Grey is a GREAT baby so far, and his sister loves having him around. Lyla always wants to give kisses and has been really sweet. She gets a little dramatic when I am nursing him, but I am glad she takes her frustration out on me rather than the baby.
Mom, Grandma, Lindsay and Me!

This week I feel like we have a ton of doctor appointments. Grey goes to the cardiologist at Primary Childrens, and both the kids have routine check ups with our pediatrician. Hopefully I will learn more about Grey's heart this week, but I feel like he's doing really well, so hopefully no worries there. We got Grey's newborn pictures taken on Thursday night, and I think they are going to turn out really cute! He was naked for most of them, so of course he peed and pooped ALL OVER US and made a huge mess. I guess that's what we get for making him take pictures naked. :)

My sister Lauren is flying in on Friday for the weekend, and I am really excited. She's a cute aunt, and I am happy I get to spend some time with just my sisters. Hope everyone has a great week!

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