Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quick update!

Well, we are in the new house and officially OUT of the condo. I really haven't done much in terms of unpacking...the beds are up, but closets are not. Needless to say, I have a looooong to do list this week. My mom was here yesterday, so we hung out at the new Nordstrom and her hotel until late. I had a GREAT time! She brought the kids some freaking adorable outfits, and attempted to buy me a shirt. Its so cute, but its too bad my chest is too gigantic (the part about having babies that I HATE). Gotta love motherhood.

-Lyla Kate is having tons of fun running around the new house. She has her own play area, with t.v. for signing time! She's still sweet to Mr. fact, I have to chase her away from him so she doesn't suffocate him with kisses!

-Grey slept for almost 6 HOURS last night! After packing and moving all week, the rest was just what we needed. He's starting to smile...though I haven't seen it. My mom and sister got all excited because he smiled at them last night, and Nate claims he saw a smile this morning. Humph. I'm the mom, I'm supposed to see it first. :)

I should take some pictures...and I will post them promptly once I get things in order here. All is well with the Sylvia's, now can we just get rid of this snow? UGH!


The Durr's said...

pictures pictures pictures!!

The Lyon Den said...

I want to come and see Grey again and the new place. And I second that on the whole chest thing. I have a feeling I won't be able to fit into my cute spring and summer tops. I guess that I will have to go buy new clothes. Darn.