Its official...spring has sprung!! I am so excited to get the kids out today, because its going to be 70!! (My deepest apologies to my family in Texas and California who came to visit only a couple weeks ago, and it was you have to come back and enjoy the amazing Utah weather!).
Grey turned 1 month old on Tuesday...and it made me a little sad. I seriously don't know where 4 weeks went...but he's eating really well, and growing like a weed! He's outgrown the vast majority of his newborn outfits and sleepers, and is definitely more alert. He also lets me know when he's hungry, and we hear a few cries from time to time. I am going to try to give him his first bottle this week, so maybe dad can get a couple feedings in. Lyla NEVER took a bottle or pacifier, so I really don't have my hopes up...but it would sure be nice! Not to mention all the breast milk I have stored from those first couple weeks of engorgement (sorry...that's kinda gross). Grey also sleeps well the majority of nights! Last night he slept from 9:30-1, and then from 2-7!! I feel like I just slept for days! Sometimes we have some rough nights, but I guess that means he's just hungry and growing!

Here are some of his newborn pictures that we got done. The photogrpaher did the photo shoot for FREE because she is new and building up her portfolio, but I think she did a wonderful job! He's only 9 days old in these pictures! My sweet friend Jenny also designed a photo birth announcement for me, and I am excited to send that out as well! Grey is seriously so adorable. And I don't think I am that biased. :)

Lyla is also doing really well. I feel like an idiot because I have not been taking pictures of her, but perhaps we will get a few on the swings when we get out today. She is getting funnier by the minute. Her current favorite show on tv is Dora and Superwhy. She's recognizing letters, and makes sure to point them out to Nate and I when we go places. She can recognize pretty much all the vowels, and I am really impressed! She can also count to 10, and does a decent job of singing along to the ABC's. We are inching ever closer to moving to a big girl bed too...I am trying my best to hold off, but she's continually getting her leg stuck in the rails and then screams for us to help her. Lyla is also taking off her clothes in the morning...I know the next step is climbing out! She's been a PERFECT big sister, and I don't mean to brag. Her world revolves around giving her brother hugs and kisses...I couldn't be prouder!
As for Nate and I...we are also doing well. Nate just returned from a work trip! He was gone almost all week doing training and orientation for a new job he just took. Nate will be working from home, which will be nice, but also an ajdustment! We are getting ready to move to accomodate that, so I have plenty more updates to come! I feel great...and feel like I am just where I should be. Now I am off to get the kids ready...I have a hair appointment after months of procrastination...I am excited for short hair again! Happy Spring everyone!
I love those pictures!! I bet Grey takes a bottle, he was going to town on that binkie!! Just DO it! It's so nice to get a break!!
I love your little guy. HE is so cute. I hope that my little Sophie will start growing out of her newborn stuff. She is still drowning in them. I can't wait to see the announcement.
If you are wanting to start adding bottles and need to use formula try mixing breast milk and formula it helped Kael finally take a bottle.
i love the smashed little face in the hands picture...
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