Monday, October 27, 2008
Midnight Frustration
Its just after 4 now...and I haven't gone to bed. As I was drifting off to sleep around midnight, Lyla woke up. She's been up and down every hour since (teething!). About a half hour ago, I found myself totally frustrated and mad that she wouldn't sleep...and contemplated my horrible day running on 4 hours sleep while trying to chase her around. I tried one last time to snuggle her, change her diaper, and give her a sip of milk. She seemed tired, so I laid her down. Five minutes later, she was crying again. I went in, picked her up, and she immediately fell asleep in my arms. My mood completely changed, and I now feel so lucky to have been able to watch her go to sleep. I absolutely love it when she falls asleep in my arms, because it truly never happens anymore. She's been silent for 10 minutes so I will try to sleep. I just wanted to savor the moment. I know I took her snuggly newborn stage for granted, and tonight she was simply the most beautiful girl on earth.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Dallin and Lyla...ultimate goofballs
This video is funny for a few reasons. It illustrates Lyla's hilarious laugh, and how insatiably funny she thinks her cousin is. It is also a testament to how one year olds think the most random stuff is hilarious. Dallin exhibits his natural charm, but at the end demonstrates that he is in fact 2 years old, and capable of round-house kicking anyone smaller than him. Good thing Lyla doesn't care...until one day she does, and Dallin gets plowed. Funny!
P.S.--It looks like Dallin is a pro at smoking that thermometer cover...nice example Ashley! :)
P.S.--It looks like Dallin is a pro at smoking that thermometer cover...nice example Ashley! :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
I pledge...
To be MUCH healthier during the last half of this pregnancy! I don't know what it is, but I have felt hungry non-stop for the last 2 weeks. While that's totally okay for pregnant ladies, I need to be eating the right stuff. I do okay for the most part...but unlike my last pregnancy, fast food doesn't sound too horrible, and neither does chocolate. I am really worried about the holidays. In any case, I have stocked my fridge with stuff to make salad, and I have apples, carrots, yogurt and orange juice for when I am craving something sweet to drink. I am also going to try and be more active. I was on my feet constantly during my last pregnancy, which made me feel really good. I already have a 14 month old on my I think I stay pretty busy most of the time. :)
I went for my 22 week appointment. Everything is good...I gained 6 pounds, which puts my net weight gain at 4 pounds for this pregnancy so far (I lost during my first trimester). I love that...only 4 pounds. I plan on plumping up pretty soon though...the doc said plan on a pound a week for sure from now on. Eek...
In other news, Nate and I took Lyla to the Scarecrow festival on Friday afternoon. It was definitely not for really little kids, but Lyla had a good time anyway. Talk about a mad house!
She was very excited about the mini-pumpkins she Nate and I bought her 4 of them.
Like I said, very excited.
I love that I can do her hair like this now...
I can't get her to NOT make this cheesy smile.
The slide at Carl's Junior...she's very excited that she can climb in it.
Tomorrow or Wednesday I will attempt to go and vote early at the city hall. I'd rather not deal with lines and a squealing toddler on election day...and I am deciding whether or not to post my feelings on the election...I am very intense about politics, and am bound to get myself in trouble or not have enough time/space to explain myself completely. Besides, isn't blogging supposed to be about the kids? I can say that you gotta VOTE! Don't be lame, its too important. :)
I went for my 22 week appointment. Everything is good...I gained 6 pounds, which puts my net weight gain at 4 pounds for this pregnancy so far (I lost during my first trimester). I love that...only 4 pounds. I plan on plumping up pretty soon though...the doc said plan on a pound a week for sure from now on. Eek...
In other news, Nate and I took Lyla to the Scarecrow festival on Friday afternoon. It was definitely not for really little kids, but Lyla had a good time anyway. Talk about a mad house!
Tomorrow or Wednesday I will attempt to go and vote early at the city hall. I'd rather not deal with lines and a squealing toddler on election day...and I am deciding whether or not to post my feelings on the election...I am very intense about politics, and am bound to get myself in trouble or not have enough time/space to explain myself completely. Besides, isn't blogging supposed to be about the kids? I can say that you gotta VOTE! Don't be lame, its too important. :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Must be a full moon....
After talking to my mom on the phone yesterday, I realized I wasn't the only one having a "blah" day. Sometimes it seems like I will never figure out where my life is going, or why things have to be stressful all the time. I guess that's part of being 23 and having a young family...oh well...glad yesterday is over. TODAY was a lot better, and Lyla had me cracking up most of the day. I will let the pictures do the talking:

Oh, and I found Lyla like this after going to the bathroom. I scared her to death, which explains the look on her face. It was 10:50 a.m., and she normally doesn't nap until 12 or 1. I gave in...I felt so bad she was tired!
And lastly, I received a big box of baby boy clothes in the mail today. My mom's nanny/cook has a daughter who is done having kids, and she had a TON of baby boy clothes to send me! I am fully stocked on comfy pants, onesies, sleepers and gowns. I love it, especially because I hate spending a lot of money on clothes the baby will hardly wear. I also have a lot of stuff coming from Ashley...he will definitely need his own dresser. Can't wait!
Oh, and I found Lyla like this after going to the bathroom. I scared her to death, which explains the look on her face. It was 10:50 a.m., and she normally doesn't nap until 12 or 1. I gave in...I felt so bad she was tired!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
20 weeks and counting...
Well, I made it half way! I am actually almost 21 weeks, and am feeling GREAT! The husband isn't home right now, so I will have to get a belly pic later. I go to the doctor again next week, but I am sure I am starting to gain weight...especially because I really love fun size Butterfinger bars. My cravings are so different this time. I craved fruit smoothies and fresh fruit with Lyla, and now it seems to be only carbs! I was also really active with Lyla, and I have been really trying to get into the gym and atleast walk on the treadmill!
Here's a pic of Lyla and I at the park on Tuesday. It was an amazing day...gotta love fall!
I just love this picture of Nate...he is truly handsome. How did I manage to snag him?
My siblings! I've had this picture for a bit, and I can't believe how big they all are! 2 of the boys (the shorter ones) are my step brothers....I love being the big sister!
From left to right, they are: Lindsay (20), Lauren (18), Brandon (15), Larissa (13), Lynnae (12), Libbie (9), Bridger (9), Blake (8), and Paxton (4). Paxton and Bridger belong to my step-dad, but I love them just the same :)
Here's a pic of Lyla and I at the park on Tuesday. It was an amazing day...gotta love fall!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My favorite time of year!!

Well, its October 1st...the weather is starting to cool down (I hope), the leaves are changing, and baseball postseason starts today. From the time I was 12, I have loved watching baseball. I used to spend hours watching baseball on the weekends while I did my homework, and I loved going to the local Bee's games (they were the Buzz back then). Since meeting Nate, I have been converted from an Angels/Braves fan to a diehard Boston Red Sox nutjob (not really). Its a pretty easy transition to make...Boston has an amazing history, and after living in Massachusetts, you will never find more loyal or enthusiastic fans. I find myself getting personally offended when players are traded, and was simply outraged when Manny Ramirez was traded recently to the L.A. Dodgers. Needless to say, I just love baseball. The Redsox play round 1 of the postseason starting today against the Angels. Go Sox! I am so glad I get to think about something else besides politics for a little bit...but I will be sure to post about that later. I am just waiting for the debates to be over. :)
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