To be MUCH healthier during the last half of this pregnancy! I don't know what it is, but I have felt hungry non-stop for the last 2 weeks. While that's totally okay for pregnant ladies, I need to be eating the right stuff. I do okay for the most part...but unlike my last pregnancy, fast food doesn't sound too horrible, and neither does chocolate. I am really worried about the holidays. In any case, I have stocked my fridge with stuff to make salad, and I have apples, carrots, yogurt and orange juice for when I am craving something sweet to drink. I am also going to try and be more active. I was on my feet constantly during my last pregnancy, which made me feel really good. I already have a 14 month old on my I think I stay pretty busy most of the time. :)
I went for my 22 week appointment. Everything is good...I gained 6 pounds, which puts my net weight gain at 4 pounds for this pregnancy so far (I lost during my first trimester). I love that...only 4 pounds. I plan on plumping up pretty soon though...the doc said plan on a pound a week for sure from now on. Eek...
In other news, Nate and I took
Lyla to the Scarecrow festival on Friday afternoon. It was definitely not for really little kids, but
Lyla had a good time anyway. Talk about a mad house!

She was very excited about the mini-pumpkins she Nate and I bought her 4 of them.

Like I said, very excited.

I love that I can do her hair like this now...

I can't get her to NOT make this cheesy smile.

The slide at Carl's Junior...she's very excited that she can climb in it.
Tomorrow or Wednesday I will attempt to go and vote early at the city hall. I'd rather not deal with lines and a squealing toddler on election day...and I am deciding whether or not to post my feelings on the election...I am very intense about politics, and am bound to get myself in trouble or not have enough time/space to explain myself completely. Besides, isn't blogging supposed to be about the kids? I can say that you gotta VOTE! Don't be lame, its too important. :)
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