Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My favorite time of year!!

Well, its October 1st...the weather is starting to cool down (I hope), the leaves are changing, and baseball postseason starts today. From the time I was 12, I have loved watching baseball. I used to spend hours watching baseball on the weekends while I did my homework, and I loved going to the local Bee's games (they were the Buzz back then). Since meeting Nate, I have been converted from an Angels/Braves fan to a diehard Boston Red Sox nutjob (not really). Its a pretty easy transition to make...Boston has an amazing history, and after living in Massachusetts, you will never find more loyal or enthusiastic fans. I find myself getting personally offended when players are traded, and was simply outraged when Manny Ramirez was traded recently to the L.A. Dodgers. Needless to say, I just love baseball. The Redsox play round 1 of the postseason starting today against the Angels. Go Sox! I am so glad I get to think about something else besides politics for a little bit...but I will be sure to post about that later. I am just waiting for the debates to be over. :)

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