One of the greatest benefits to my breastfeeding has been that I get to do a lot of reading in the middle of the since Lyla has been born I have been able to read a few books (and I do love to read more than anything). Since I hope to one day impart my love of reading onto Lyla, I thought it only appropriate to jot down a list of my favorites:
So here is my list of not so intellectual reading, but that I love anyway:
1. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
2. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
3. What to Expect: The First Year (This book should really be on my intellectual list--I refer to it for everything)
4. The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer (I am about to start the second book, and Nate says they are amazing!)
And here is my list of books which have high literary quality, and that I think everyone should read:
1. On Beauty by Zadie Smith
2. White Teeth by Zadie Smith (I actually like this one better)
3. The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler (okay, so it's not a deep read, but they are hilarious, and everyone should read them in February for V-Day, right?)
4. Birth by Tina Cassidy---I read this while I was pregnant and LOVED it...what a great history of childbirth--I am so glad I had a baby in 2007!
5. 1776 by David McCullough--I read this while in Boston and it was incredible to me how much American history was made on the very road I traveled to get to work.
6. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath--I am reading this now and it is WONDERFUL!
7. Feminism is for Everybody by Bell Hooks--this is a great book for everyone, because everyone can be a feminist!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas bath!
Well, Lyla has discovered her toes....and loves to chew on them! It's so awesome to see her discover different things about the world. I definitely thought this Christmas season would be little boring with a newborn, but she has started developing the cutest personality lately. In the car she makes all sorts of noises and it almost sounds like she is singing. She loves to play with her gym that great grandma and grandpa Turgeon got her...she grabs at all the toys and laughs at the lights.
Nate and I had to grab the camera last night after Lyla's bath...she is getting so good at holding her head up. She also LOVES to listen to Colbie Caillat while we do the bath routine....I just adore her!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The other night (December 14th), Lyla rolled over for the FIRST TIME! Nate and I were so surprised and excited...she completed her first roll over at grandma and grandpa's after I made her laugh her very first belly laugh. I can't believe how much Lyla is growing...she is so much more vocal, and tonight she rolled completely over to her left side (the other night she would only roll to her right). The picture clearly shows her excitement and pride as she made it to her belly...only it doesn't take long before she is frustrated because she can't back where she started.

Lyla is also getting the hang of her teether...she is getting really good at reaching out for her toys, and of course, she puts everything in her mouth. Her drool has gotten so bad that it makes her chin and cheeks dry. Thank heaven for Vaseline!
Lyla is also getting the hang of her teether...she is getting really good at reaching out for her toys, and of course, she puts everything in her mouth. Her drool has gotten so bad that it makes her chin and cheeks dry. Thank heaven for Vaseline!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Miss Audrey
The other night, Nate and I watched Miss Audrey Hannah (Katie and Travis' cute girl). We had SO much fun with her...she is definitely the comedian her parents make her out to be. Audrey especially loved playing with Lyla and singing her songs....but was disappointed when I didn't know all the words to her "monkey" song. Hanging out with Audrey makes Nate and I really excited for the years to come with Lyla...little girls are truly sweet. Audrey will be a great big sister one day, and I hope Lyla will too!!
Older and Wiser
Well, Lyla is officially 4 months old, and I can hardly believe it. As much as I can't believe 4 months have passed, I simply can't remember life before Lyla. She comes more alive everyday, and is growing by leaps and bounds. In fact, she is right on schedule for her 4 month growth spurt...the last few nights have been eating marathons and she hasn't been sleeping as long as she usually does. Still, she is a wonderful baby and I have no complaints at all. I think she is going to keep her big blue eyes...and that is certainly something to be excited about.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
3 1/2 month checkup....
So Nate and I took Lyla for her checkup last Friday...and she is getting so big! At 3 1/2 months, she weights 14.5 pounds and is 25.5 inches long! She is in the 95th percentile for height, and the 80th for weight. I don't know where she got her height from.... :)
I can't believe Lyla has already doubled her birth weight. I can barely remember how tiny she was when we brought her home. Now she is full of life and loves to play with mommy and daddy. I feel so lucky to have her in my life...and though things have been hard, I am more than willing to sacrifice the little things that I want so I can spend as much time with her as possible. Love you Miss Lyla Kate...
I can't believe Lyla has already doubled her birth weight. I can barely remember how tiny she was when we brought her home. Now she is full of life and loves to play with mommy and daddy. I feel so lucky to have her in my life...and though things have been hard, I am more than willing to sacrifice the little things that I want so I can spend as much time with her as possible. Love you Miss Lyla Kate...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sleepy Time...
Okay, so I found yet another cute picture of Lyla. I have officially become obsessed with this blogging thing...but who could resist writing about such a cute little girl? This picture is one of Nate's all-time favorites (she's only a few weeks old in this picture)...Lyla is so peaceful when she sleeps, and has been peacefully sleeping through the night since she was about 5 weeks old. Last night she couldn't fill her belly I ended up nursing until about 1:30 am. Still, she slept until 9, and I am so thankful she makes being a mommy a little easier.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Some extraneous pics...and not so extraneous thoughts
So I found some of these adorable pictures on my camera, and had to post them. First, this picture of Nate was taken on Thanksgiving (to be more specific...our first Thanksgiving as a family of 3!), and he is such a handsome guy. I've always felt so special to have married someone I consider to be so good looking and sweet. I was always the awkward nerdy girl in high school, and Nate always told me how much he loved my height. I feel like we have done a lot of growing up together...and I know that we definitely have more to do. Nate will do anything to make me happy, and I love that about him. We have been talking so much lately about what we want our lives to be like and what we want to teach our kids; I know that Nate will do amazing at whatever he decides to pursue (being a Veterinarian would be AWESOME).
This picture of Lyla with her grand-dad is so sweet. It was taken while Lyla and I were still in the hospital. Lyla is Mike's (Nate's dad) first grand daughter, and I am so excited for all the fun they will have together. I am my grandfather's first granddaughter and I have always looked up to him and wanted to make him proud. Mike doesn't have any daughters, so I know he doesn't realize what he is in for...but he is the greatest grandfather and I am proud to call him my dad.
I love this picture of my sister Lindsay and I. She is SO BEAUTIFUL, and I love everything about her. Lindsay is independent, hilarious and the most loyal person you will ever meet. She is also the most trustworthy. I know I can tell her anything, and she is the only person on earth I can say that about (besides Nate, of course). I am so happy to be growing up with her...I know that we will only have more in common over the years, and that is certainly something to look forward to.
Finally, here is another picture of my Lyla Kate...I can't resist how incredibly sweet she is (it must come from her dad and grand-dad). She has had such a terrible cold lately, and I can't wait for her to feel better. But honestly, she still looks more adorable and gorgeous everyday...I can't even stand it!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Poop Machine
So while I was working this afternoon Lyla pooped through her sleeper (as usual) and I was forced to spot clean it with Shout. While her clothes were drying, she was being hilarious in her car seat. She can laugh, smile, and can even make her famous "owl" noise. Nate and I wake up every morning to hear a sweet "Whooooo.....Whooooo......Whoooo" noise coming from her crib. Her daddy has so much fun with her...Lyla loves to hear him sing!
Lyla's First Turkey Day!
Well, we just celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a trio...and might I say it was a great day. Lyla has had a cold for the last few days, but she maintains her perfectly sweet temperament. We ate dinner at the Sylvia's, and then hung out by ourselves in the evening. I totally dig hanging out with Nate...we put on the Rent soundtrack and just sit at the table and talk. I must say that I am so thankful for everything I have in my life. Lyla is so beautiful and funny, and no matter how huge our trials may seem, I know that Nate and I will always pull through. He's my best friend, and you can do anything as long as your best friend is behind you. I am so excited to spend the holidays with Miss Lyla...things just seem so much more fun with a child in my life...or maybe I am just still a child myself. Either way, I hope it will be a fun season.
Friday, October 26, 2007
God Bless Texas...

Well, Lyla and I are off to Texas this afternoon! We are going to fly with
I wanted to post some of these pictures because they are my favorites. I especially love the picture of Lyla and I after the bath...I love her little naked bum!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Why being a mom truly sets you free...
It's after 1 am and Lyla has just fallen asleep for the night. My sweet angel has been sleeping through the night for the last two weeks or so, and she is making this whole motherhood thing seem way too easy. Every time I look at her I notice something new and the way she folds her hands when she is nursing, or how she plays with her hair. When she gets excited she kicks both of her legs and waves both arms as she lights up with a smile. I never pictured myself as the type of woman who would enjoy being home with a newborn...especially at 22! They say that having a baby changes your life in a profound way...that your life will never be the same. I think that's true, but not in a negative way. While it may seem that I have given up my life as a free woman, it is my daughter that makes me truly free. No matter how bad my day is, or how stressful the rest of my life may be, looking at her reminds me that I am on this earth for a greater purpose. Tomorrow will be better because she is in my life, and so is her daddy. Lyla reminds me that while no one is perfect, I will always try to be perfect for her. I always tried to envision what my life would be like when I had a baby...what I would have accomplished. But what I realize now is that she is here to shape my life for me, and push me to accomplish all the things I dream about, because all of those dreams are better realized simply because she is here. She has become part of what I hope to be a great be my daughters' friend and always have her respect. Being a mom sets me free because I am able to love in a way that I never thought possible. I love her daddy, but I live to love my daughter. I can't wait to see what the coming years will hold, and I can't wait to see what Lyla surprises with me tomorrow.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Halloween Fun!

Okay, so Ashley (my sister in law) and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch for some cute pictures. My nephew Dallin is 1, and he has the CUTEST personality. Lyla is wearing his costume from last year, but she wasn't too happy that I woke her up from a nap to take pictures outside. I think I got a few cute ones...Lyla's 1st Halloween! Cute!
My attempt...
Okay everyone...this is my attempt to document my life. I'm Lacy, I am married to the adorable Nathan Sylvia, and have a 9 week old daughter named Lyla Kate. We have been married for 2 years, and are the quintessential high school sweethearts. Things have definitely been crazy since she has been born, but I absolutely love everything about being a mom. Nate and I just moved back from Boston, MA where we went on quite an adventure....
It's great to be back in Utah, but I am excited about spending time with Lyla and figuring out what to do with my life. I certainly don't have all the answers, but who does?? In the meantime, check out how adorable Lyla is!
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