Well I managed to wake up
before Lyla this morning, and thought I would catch up on some posting. On December 7th, Nate celebrated his 25th birthday! My old man is now rounding the corner toward 30!! I hope he had a good day...the night before I surprised him by having all of our friends meet at Salt City Burger in Sandy. Its a new restaurant, family owned, and very very yummy. Do try the zucchini fries...my lovely friend Jenny made a yummy spice cake, and we enjoyed it with coffee icecream...something you NEVER find in Utah, but is a staple back east.

I just thought I would say how much I love Nathan. He has always made me laugh, keeps everyday light hearted, and is a wonderful father. We have been through so much together at such a young age, and I am so excited for what the future brings with our growing family. Its hard to believe that we have a family now...in many ways it feels like we were just in high school. In any case, I love ya Nate! You're half way to 50!

In other business...I am now over 30 weeks along with this little man, and I can't believe how fast the time is going. I now head to the doctor every 2 weeks, and by Jan. 19, I will be going every week! I feel really good, am gaining weight, and am experiencing all the normal aches and pains of being in my third trimester. I often wonder why I feel more sore this time around, and then I look at Lyla and realize that all the lifting and carrying I do probably has something to do with it.
Lyla has been really developing a funny personality lately. She's full of questions, and is getting a lot more brave...literally, she is a monkey. She gets her bumps and bruises, and I try to manage the pain. She's also a HUGE ham...she brings me the camera and stands there while I take a picture of her cheesy smile. I love love love spending everyday with her...
This week we are awaiting the arrival of Grandma Mary and Grandpa Kevin (my mom and stepdad). Hopefully we will see them Tuesday or Wednesday...I am really excited because I miss my family a lot, especially during the holidays. I grew up very close to my grandparents, who I still talk to several times a week...so I am sad that my parents are so far away :( I am sure to be posting pictures from their short visit, as well as some of my burgeoning belly. Yikes.
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